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June 19: Sunday Morning Service - Father's Day
Rev Dr John Smith
Rev Dr John Smith
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Service and Hymns
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June 16th, 2024

5th Sunday of Pentecost

Father’s Day

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Leading us today in Worship:
     Minister: Rev. Dr. John Greg. Smith
     Guest Musician: Camryn Ruthven
     Scripture Reader: Bonnie Hammond

Leader: regular font ~ All: bold font ~ Sung words: bold italics.
Asterisk * Indicates when the congregation may stand if able.

We Gather

Improvisation by Camryn Ruthven


As we come to worship in this Pentecost season
We turn to light the candle which reminds us:
Christ’s Spirit is always with us!
Christ's spirit fills us, heals us, and completes us.
Christ’s light enlivens us, and gives us strength,
for the living of these days.
May it be so!  Amen!

We believe all people are made in the image of God and are entitled to dignity and respect.  At Grace United Church we try to offer a safer, inclusive and generous space for all who are seeking a faith community.  We offer full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, all races, ages and abilities in the life and work of the ministry.
Grace United Church is situated on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek, Petun, Huron-Wendat, and Mississauga peoples, located within the boundary of the region of Treaty 18 of 1818. We humbly acknowledge the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional stewards of the land on which we work and worship and are committed to working actively toward genuine restitution and reconciliation.

This is the day that God has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!
This is the day when small dreams will become big dreams.
This is the day when one giant leap will teach us we can fly!
This is the day we will set down our fears, and embrace God’s unconditional love.
This is the day we will lay down our weapons, and study war no more.
This is the day when we will give our problems to the powers of the universe!
This is the day when we will work together to solve our problems together!
This is the day when the smallest child will have the greatest impact,
When the tiniest act of kindness will change the world forever.
This is the day of small things done with great love.
This is the day of forgiveness and courage.
This is the day when Sisyphus finally gets the ball over the hill.
This is the day, my friends, when you, in your small corner,  will come alive
And live your best life.
May it be so!!!    Amen!

* HYMN: VU #226 (tune: VU 81)
“For the Beauty of the Earth”

1. For the beauty of the earth,
for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth
over and around us lies,
God of all, to you we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

2. For the beauty of each hour
of the day and of the night,
hill and vale, and tree and flower,
sun and moon, and stars of light,
God of all, to you we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

3. For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth, and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild,
God of all, to you we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

4. For each perfect gift sublime
to our race so freely given,
graces human and divine,
flowers of earth and buds of heaven,
God of all, to you we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

Holy Spirit, today in our prayers, let us know that we are filled with your power.
Let us know that we are filled with the sacred presence of God.
Let us know that our whole being is infused with the sacred spirit of God.
Let every breath we take and every move we make, be a testament to your holy breath within.

(moment of silence)

Let us pray that from the depths of our souls, our prayers might rise up like incense
And perfume the air around us with hopes and dreams.
Let us pray that our prayers be carried on the wings of our faith, however tiny, however fragile,
and flow from us out into the cosmos.
May our prayers be part of your great prayer for humanity, O God.
Let us pray for healing and hope to come in the lands where war is raging.
Let us pray for reconciliation and to the end of systemic racism in our own country.
Let us pray for our children, that they not learn the vocabulary of hatred and violence.
Let us pray for those who are lonely, and for those who are struggling.
Let us pray for those in our own circles, those whom we love.
Let us pray for those outside our circles, those whom we do not even know.
May our prayers be your prayers O God.
Holy Spirit, transform our worship and our faith into words and actions of transformation.
Fill us now with the sacred holiness of God’s love;
Take us now and use us to the glory of God,
That our lives might be yeast in the loaf of our common humanity,
That our love might grow like a mustard seed that will flavour the whole cosmos..
We pray these things inside your love, O Holy Spirit,  AMEN.

*HYMN: MV #48
I Can Feel You Near Me God

1. I can feel you near me God I can feel you near
Yes I know you’re with me God I feel you here
I can feel you near me God I can feel you near
Yes I know you’re with me God Heaven is here.
And I’ll jump for joy I’m singing Alleluia
Jump for joy for you I will jump for joy
I’m singing Alleluia Jump for joy for you.

2. I can feel you loving me yes I know you care
God I know you’re loving me always everywhere
I can feel you loving me yes I know you care
God I know you’re loving me I know you’re there.
And I’ll jump for joy I’m singing Alleluia
Jump for joy for you I will jump for joy
I’m singing Alleluia Jump for joy for you.

We Listen 

Psalm 139 (responsive)
O my Beloved, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up!
You know my innermost thoughts!
You guide my steps on life’s journey;
You know my strength and my weaknesses.
Even before my words turn into prayers,
You have already heard my heart calling.
You encompass me with love wherever I go;
Your strength is my shield.
Such love is almost too wonderful for me;
Boundless gratitude is my soul’s response.
Where could I go to flee your spirit?
Or how could I hide from your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, you are there.
If I make my bed in darkness, you are there.
If I soar on the wings of the morning,
Or dwell in the deepest parts of the sea,
even there, your hand will hold me
and your Love will embrace me.
For you formed me in my inward being;
You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I lift my voice up in praise to you,
For your love is gracious
And your mysteries fill me with wonder!
I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
Search me, O my Beloved, and know my heart!
Try me and discern all my thoughts!
Help me face the darkness within me;
Enlighten me, so that I may radiate Your Love and Your Light!

1st Samuel 3:  1 – 10,   The Message
The boy Samuel was serving God under Eli’s direction. This was at a time when the revelation of God was rarely heard or seen. One night Eli was sound asleep (his eyesight was very bad—he could hardly see). It was well before dawn; the sanctuary lamp was still burning. Samuel was still in bed in the Temple of God, where the Chest of God rested.
Then God called out, “Samuel, Samuel!”
Samuel answered, “Yes? I’m here.” Then he ran to Eli saying, “I heard you call. Here I am.”
Eli said, “I didn’t call you. Go back to bed.” And so he did.
God called again, “Samuel, Samuel!”
Samuel got up and went to Eli, “I heard you call. Here I am.”
Again Eli said, “Son, I didn’t call you. Go back to bed.” (This all happened before Samuel knew God for himself. It was before the revelation of God had been given to him personally.)
God called again, “Samuel!”—the third time! Yet again Samuel got up and went to Eli, “Yes? I heard you call me. Here I am.”
That’s when it dawned on Eli that God was calling the boy. So Eli directed Samuel, “Go back and lie down. If the voice calls again, say, ‘Speak, God. I’m your servant, ready to listen.’” Samuel returned to his bed.
Then God came and stood before him exactly as before, calling out, “Samuel! Samuel!”
Samuel answered, “Speak. I’m your servant, ready to listen.”

These words from scripture are meant to guide us, nurture us, and teach us.
Thanks be to God!

“I Am Loved” by Mack Brock
Sung by Camryn Ruthven

SERMON: “Callings”

We Respond 

The work of creating a world that works for all,
Requires many gifts, many talents, many resources.
We bring all that we have, our courage, our strength,
Our prayers and our dreams,
Our gifts of time and treasure,
And all the love and acceptance we embody,
To create God’s world of justice and joy.
Thanks be to God.  AMEN

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     or Mail: Grace UC, 140 Bruce St. S. PO Box 219, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
     or Offering Plate at the back of the sanctuary.

     Care, Prayer, Share

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Communion Prayer
May God be with you!
And also with you!
Lift up your hearts!
We lift them up to the Giver of Life.
Let us give thanks to God!
It is right to give God thanks and praise…

(prayer continues)

The Lord’s Prayer (VU #921)

Sharing of Communion Bread and Juice

Prayer After Communion
For the bread we have eaten, for the wine we have tasted,
For the love we have shared, and the joy re-kindled in our spirits,
We thank you God.
Grant that what we have been given here at this table,
Will remain always in our hearts,
And that the love of Christ will fill us with hope for our world,
Each and every day.   AMEN

What’s Up at Grace?

We Go Out 

*HYMN: VU #512  vs. 1, 4, 5
“Lord You Give the Great Commission”

1. Lord, you give the great commission:
‘Heal the sick and preach the word.’
Lest the church neglect its mission,
and the gospel go unheard,
help us witness to your purpose
with renewed integrity;
with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
for the work of ministry.

4. Lord, you show us love’s true measure:
‘Father, what they do, forgive.’
Yet we hoard as private treasure
all that you so freely give.
May your care and mercy lead us
to a just society;
with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
for the work of ministry.

5. Lord, you bless with words assuring:
‘I am with you to the end.’
Faith and hope and love restoring,
may we serve as you intend,
and, amid the cares that claim us,
hold in mind eternity;
with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
for the work of ministry.

The Light Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad

O God! Grant me Light in my heart, Light in my grave,
Light in front of me, Light behind me,
Light to my right, Light to my left,
Light above me, Light below me,
Light in my ears, Light in my eyes,
Light on my skin, Light in my hair,
Light within my flesh, Light in my blood, Light in my bones.
O God! Increase my Light everywhere.
May it be so!  May the Light of God shine bright in us.


Go now in peace. Never be afraid.
God will go with you each hour of every day,
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true,
Know God will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love, and show you believe.
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there, *within, around, above.
Go now in peace, in faith and in love.
Amen, amen, amen.

*alternate words: watching from above

“Etude in A Flat Major” - Chopin


LITURGY SOURCES: The following are used with permission:
Call to Worship and prayers are written by Rev. Dr. John G. Smith
- For the Beauty of the Earth:” Words: Folliott Sandford Pierpoint 1864. Music: David Evans 1927 Used by permission of Oxford University Press. Words: Public Domain. Music: Oxford University  Press. One License #608577
- “I Can Feel you Near me God:” Words and music: Pat Mayberry, 2000; arr. Margaret Stubington 2006. Words and music copyright © 2000 Pat Mayberry, SOCAN. Arrangement copyright © 2006 Margaret Stubington. One License #608577
- “Lord You Give the Great Commission:” Words: Jeffery W. Rowthorn 1978 © 1978, Music: Cyril Vincent Taylor 1941 © 1942, renewal 1970 Hope Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Words, Music: Hope Publishing Company. CCLI #11203479
- “Go Now in Peace:” Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price. Copyright © 1988 Harold Flammere. Music: Inc. Alternate words used with permission. One License #608577
Scripture Readings: The Message: copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson Psalm 139  From Nan Merrill,  Psalms for Praying,  Continuum Books,  New York, New York,  2007
Prelude: Improvisation by Camryn Ruthven
Anthem: “I Am Loved:” by Mack Brock
Postlude: “Etude in A Flat Major:” by Chopin