March 9th, 2025
1st Sunday in Lent
Music Sunday
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Leading us today in Worship:
Worship Leader: Dr. Christopher Burton
Director of Music: Dr. Christopher Burton
Lay Reader: Jim Oliver
Leader: regular font ~ All: bold font ~ Sung words: bold italics.
Asterisk * Indicates when the congregation may stand if able.
We Gather
“Sonata Opus 10 #1 2nd Movement” - L. van Beethoven
GREETING (2 Cor. 13:13)
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
And also with you.
A Stewardship Second
Giving and sharing as a first priority is what keeps us in good relations with our neighbours and our neighbourhood.
We light this candle, a sacred symbol of divine light.
May the divine light dance in our worship today.
May the divine light ignite our hearts and souls.
May the divine light lift us up and give us peace.
Thanks be to God for this divine light!
We believe all people are made in the image of God and are entitled to dignity and respect. At Grace United Church we try to offer a safer, inclusive and generous space for all who are seeking a faith community. We offer full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, all races, ages and abilities in the life and work of the ministry.
Grace United Church is situated on the traditional territory of the Saugeen Ojibway First Nation. We acknowledge that they are the first stewards of this land and we respect their histories and past and present cultures. We will work to recognize and remove barriers to full reconciliation.
Let us gather together, hungry and thirsty. Come, all who long to be filled with good things.
The bread of life satisfies our hunger and thirst.
Let us open our hands to receive from God's son, our brother and friend.
The bread of life loves us and knows our needs.
Let us quiet our minds and awaken our hearts to be transformed by God's Spirit, who redeems us.
The bread of life has come to sustain us. Believing this promise, let us worship together!
“Bread of Life” - Lyrics and Music by Andrea Hamilton and Amanda Meisenheimer
Holy God, throughout history
you have fed people in body, mind and spirit
As we gather in worship today,
we rest in the knowledge that you continue to care for us.
We come into this space with complicated lives,
different needs, and unique situations.
You know all of our longings,
and you look at us with compassion and love.
Because we know the bread of life, Jesus.
is the sustaining source of hope,
we lean into this hour of worship with expectancy and faith.
You have provided for our needs from the beginning,
and you will meet us once again today.
“As the Sun with Longer Journey”
1. As the sun with longer journey
melts the winter’s snow and ice,
with its slowly growing radiance
warms the seed beneath the earth,
may the sun of Christ’s uprising
gently bring our hearts to life.
2. Through the days of waiting, watching
in the desert of our sin,
searching on the far horizon
for a sign of cloud or wind,
we await the healing waters
of our Saviour’s victory.
3. Praise be given to the Maker
of the seasons’ yearly round:
to the Speaker through the Spoken
in their living Breath of love
as the ever turning seasons
roll to their eternal rest.
Because we live in a world with both hunger and unnecessary waste,
let us confess our sins and seek a new path of righteousness.
Holy God, even though we choose to follow Jesus,
live his way, and share in the bread of life,
we confess we have overlooked the hungry in our midst.
We confess it is easier to avoid people and places
that demand our attention and resources,
and go about our days turning our eyes from those in need.
But Jesus shows us a different way -- a way of sharing, a way of justice.
Forgive us for the times we have looked away
from those who are hungry and their needs for food, clothing, friendship, or anything else.
Forgive us for neglecting our neighbours and our community.
Help us to be faithful to this calling.
Paul writes, "There is no one who is righteous, not even one."
Yet in Christ, we are forgiven, justified, and transformed to carry on in the way of love and justice.
Savor the good news of this pardon and be at peace.
*HYMN: MV #84
“In You There Is a Refuge”
1. In you there is a refuge, in you we find our peace.
When all we know is chaos may our trust in you increase.
In you there is a silence, in you our minds are clear.
When all we hear is discord may your quiet draw us near.
2. In you there is a vision, in you we learn to dream.
When all we see is desert may you be our living stream.
In you there is a future, in you we find our way.
When hope has shed its brightness may you show us a new day.
We Listen
God, may the scriptures we read today become living bread.
May your Spirit empower them to shape us in Jesus' likeness.
Give us wisdom as we interpret these words of scripture; may they nourish our minds and souls.
New Revised Standard Updated Edition
Jesus the Bread of Life
When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.
Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do?
Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ ”
Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
“Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.”
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe.
All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.
For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.
And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
These words from scripture are meant to guide us, nurture us, and teach us.
Thanks be to God!
There is a Balm in Gilead - Arr. C. Burton
Soloist: Melanie Reekie
*HYMN: VU #113
“To the Desert Jesus Came”
1. To the desert Jesus came,
to wrestle and to seek God’s way.
Sun and moon rose high above
to watch him as he’d fast and pray.
Together through the valley,
the tempter led him around.
Together through the valley,
so Jesus answers found.
2. Like the Hebrews long ago
who ventured through the desert sand,
did he find a rock of faith,
where streams of living waters ran?
Together through the valley,
so shall we make our way.
Together through the valley,
we’ll walk for forty days.
3. In the desert we may find
the mystery of who we are,
following a faithful God,
so very close and yet so far.
Together through the valley,
we’ll gather our dreams in prayer,
together through the valley,
and find God’s presence there.
4. From the ashes to the hill,
we’ll travel on our Lenten road.
Hand in hand we’ll cross this sand,
and share each other’s heavy load.
Together through the valley,
we’ll watch the changing sky.
Together through the valley,
as Easter’s dawn draws nigh.
HYMN: VU #118 “Wonder and Stare”
Wonder and stare, fear and beware;
heaven and hell are close at hand.
God’s living word, Jesus the Lord,
follows where faith and love demand.
We are not alone,
we live in God's world.
We believe in God:
who has created and is creating,
who has come in Jesus,
the Word made flesh,
to reconcile and make new,
who works in us and others
by the Spirit.
We trust in God.
We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God's presence,
to live with respect in Creation,
to love and serve others,
to seek justice and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death,
God is with us.
We are not alone.
Thanks be to God.
We Respond
*HYMN: VU #121
“Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery”
1. Tree of Life and awesome mystery,
in your death we are reborn,
though you die in all of history,
still you rise with every morn,
still you rise with every morn.
2. Seed that dies to rise in glory,
may we see ourselves in you,
if we learn to live your story
we may die to rise anew,
we may die to rise anew.
3. We remember truth once spoken,
love passed on through act and word,
every person lost and broken
wears the body of our Lord,
wears the body of our Lord.
4. Gentle Jesus, mighty Spirit,
come inflame our hearts anew,
we may all your joy inherit
if we bear the cross with you,
if we bear the cross with you.
5. Christ, you lead and we shall follow,
stumbling though our steps may be,
one with you in joy and sorrow,
we the river, you the sea,
we the river, you the sea.
God, our provider and bread of life, you called us not to work only for food, that spoils but also for food that endures through eternal life. You sent Jesus to satisfy the deepest needs of all creation, so we turn our attention to the bread that endures and the work we can do in the name of Christ.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Today we let go of our longing for convenience and momentary pleasure, and focus on matters closest to your heart instead.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We remember those suffering in mind and body, praying you would comfort them.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We remember those who need everyday necessities, praying you would equip us to meet our neighbours' needs.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We remember those bearing the weight of servant leadership, praying their strength might be renewed.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We remember children because they are first in your kin(g)dom and often last in our minds. Centre our attention on their needs and well-being.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We remember our older adults because we honour their experience and value their participation. Help us become good faith-companions to our elders.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Take these earnest requests into your heart and show us how to live more faithfully every day. In the name of Christ, our bread of life, we pray
THE LORD’S PRAYER (Spoken, traditional words, VU 921)
We lift this prayer in the words that Jesus gave his disciples to pray together, and so, together, we say: heavenly parent, our mother…Our Father,
Beneath the mantle of peace, Jesus, the bread of life, provides a bounty of fellowship, care, and connection.
May the peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
It is so tempting to believe that what we have is the result of our own work. But that kind of thinking is spiritually dangerous; it denies the role that others have played and that God has played. Let us practice generosity and give, to remember our interdependence and make it possible for others to live well.
Gracious and loving God, we offer these gifts with gratitude for what we have received. May this church be a place where people are encouraged and the temptation to greed is overcome. Amen.
Donate online:, select “Donate”
or contact the office by email:
or phone: 519-599-2438 to arrange a cheque pick-up, or an e-transfer.
Mail: Grace UC, 140 Bruce St. S. PO Box 219, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
or Offering Plate at the back of the sanctuary.
Tap your debit card at the door of the church, or Donate to Grace United Church Thornbury through Our account is set up with them now and it is easy to register. Tax receipts are given automatically at the time of giving. Care, Prayer, Share
What’s up at Grace?
We Go Out
“O God, How We Have Wandered”
1. O God, how we have wandered
and hidden from your face;
in foolishness have squandered
your legacy of grace.
But how, in exile dwelling,
we turn with fear and shame,
as distant but compelling,
you call us each by name.
2. And now at length discerning
the evil that we do,
by faith we are returning
with hope and trust in you.
In haste you come to meet us,
and home rejoicing bring,
in gladness there to greet us
with calf and robe and ring.
3. O God of all the living,
both banished and restored,
compassionate, forgiving,
our peace and hope assured.
Grant now that our transgressing,
our faithlessness may cease.
Stretch out your hand in blessing,
in pardon, and in peace.
Go now into the world brimming with love for God and others.
May you share the bread of life,
offering not only what sustains the body but what nourishes the soul.
Live your lives serving in the way of Jesus,
extending compassion to the weary,
hope to the despairing,
and bread to the hungry.
As you go, may the love of God enfold you,
the peace of Christ guide you,
and the power of the Holy Spirit sustain you,
now and forever.
“Go Now in Peace”
Go now in peace. Never be afraid.
God will go with you each hour of every day,
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true,
Know God will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love, and show you believe.
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there, *within, around, above.
Go now in peace, in faith and in love.
Amen, amen, amen.
*alternate words: watching from above
“Fanfarinette” - J.P. Rameau
SOURCES: The following are used with permission:
Stewardship Second & Invitation to the Offering & Prayer of dedication of our Offerings from: © 2024 The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike License. To view a copy of this license, visit Any copy must include this notice.
Prayers copyright © 2025 Illustrated Ministry, LLC. All rights reserved.
- “As the Sun with Longer Journey :”Words: John Patrick Earls 1981 Music: French. Traditional carol ca. 17th century .Words copyright © 1981, 1990 Order of St. Benedict, Inc. One License # 608577
- “In You There is a Refuge.” Words: Keri K. Wehlander, 2005 Music: Linnea Good, 2005 Words copyright © Keri K. Wehlander, www.creative Used by permission. Music copyright © 2005 Borealis Music. Used by permission One License # 608577
- “To the Desert Jesus Came.” Words: Linnea Good 1992, alt. Music Linnea Good 1992 Words and music copyright © 1992 Borealis Music . One License # 608577
- “Wonder and Stare:” Words: The Iona Community 1988 Music: The Iona Community 1988 Words and harmony copyright © 1988 WGRG. The Iona Community G.I A. Publications. One License # 608577
- “Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery:” Words: Marty Haugen 1984 Music: Marty Haugen 1984. Words and music copyright © 1984 G.I.A. Publications, Inc. One License # 608577
- “O God, How We have Wandered:” Words: Kevin Nichols 1980, alt. Music Henry T. Smart 1836 Words copyright © 1981 International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. Public Domain
- “Go Now in Peace” - Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price © 1988 Harold Flammer Music, Inc. Alternate words used with permission. Reproduced with permission. One License # 608577
Scripture Readings: New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Prelude: “Sonata Opus 10 #1 2nd Movement” - L. van Beethoven
Special Music: “Bread of Life” - Lyrics and Music by Andrea Hamilton and Amanda Meisenheimer
“There is a Balm in Gilead” - Arr. C. Burton
Postlude: “Fantasy on “We’ve Come This Far” by Faith” - C. Burton