What to Wear: People at Grace dress in a range of casual to more formal. For the comfort of everyone, we try to maintain a “fragrance-free” environment. Please be considerate of those sensitive to perfumes & other fragrances.
Parking: Parking is available in the parking lot behind the building.
Hearing Assist: if you need a hearing assist headset visit the sound booth at the back of the Worship Space, before or during the service.
Large Print Bulletins: We would be glad to provide a large print bulletin. If you require one, please contact the Church Office during the week.
Wheelchair Access: The Worship Space and lower hall are wheelchair accessible with a lift off the front door. Enter through the door closest to the street. A lift operator is available to assist you.
If you have any questions you may ask the greeters at the front door or the ushers as you enter the Worship Space.
During most services we "pass the peace of Christ" to one another. We honour the wishes of any who prefer to pass the peace without shaking hands.
Children in Worship: Children are welcome to worship with us and during the school year they also have the option of participating in Grace-ful Moments.
The first Sunday of most months worship includes either Communion or Prayer Candles.
Refreshments are shared in the lower level following the service.
Name Tags – Most people at Grace wear our name tags each Sunday. If you are new to Grace and would like a name tag, please contact the Admin Office at 519-599-2438 / graceucworship@gmail.com