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The Odin Quartet will be at Grace United Church on Saturday April 5 at 3pm. 

Tickets go on sale March 5 ($40) from:

Thornbury Pharmasave & Grace United Church: 519-599-2438 /

Tickets will be available on Eventbrite March 11.

The Toronto-based Odin Quartet is dedicated to making classical music accessible to new generations of listeners through modern Canadian compositions and its representation of Canada’s diversity. 

The Odin Quartet’s performances include: the Luminato Festival’s epic production of R Murray Schafer’s 1980 oratorio Apocalypsis; the Music Niagara Festival; the University of Toronto’s New Music Festival; the Ottawa Valley Music Festival; multiple collaborations with the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra as its ensemble-in-residence since 2018; numerous film scores both locally and internationally; and much more.  

Polish-Canadian pianist Daniel Vnukowski is hailed as “a pianist to watch” by New York Classical Review and “a dashing pianist” by The Sunday Times.  Mr. Vnukowski is Founder of “Piano Six – New Generation”, performing outreach concerts for remote communities in Canada, and Founder of the “Collingwood Summer Music Festival”. 

Since November 1, 2021, Mr. Vnukowski has been radio announcer of the Classical Jukebox on the New Classical FM, the only full-time classical radio station in English-speaking Canada.